東京出入国在留管理局横浜支局 川崎出張所

住所 神奈川県川崎市麻生区上麻生1丁目3−14
電話 +81 44-965-0012
サイト www.moj.go.jp/isa/about/region/yokohama/index.html
カテゴリー 政府機関
評価 3 29 件の口コミ
Yokohama District Immigration Kawasaki Branch Office
横浜地方法務局相模原支局 — 神奈川県相模原市中央区富士見6丁目10−10
横浜地方法務局 戸塚出張所 — 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町2833
東京出入国在留管理局横浜支局 — 神奈川県横浜市金沢区鳥浜町10−7
関東運輸局神奈川運輸支局 相模自動車検査登録事務所 — 神奈川県愛甲郡愛川町中津桜台7181番地
横浜市 こども青少年局西部児童相談所 — 神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区川辺町5-10
神奈川労働局 川崎南労働基準監督署 — 神奈川県川崎市川崎区宮前町8−2
(独)自動車技術総合機構 関東検査部川崎事務所 — 神奈川県川崎市川崎区塩浜3丁目24−1

東京出入国在留管理局横浜支局 川崎出張所 件の口コミ

並び替え: 日付 最高評価 最低評価 最も参考になった
27 八月 2023 14:29

川よりも混雑が少ないです。管轄区域内にある場合は、良い代替手段となります。横浜在住でない方は来ないでください。 (追い返されてしまいます)

30 十月 2022 12:32

先日も理不尽なことで叫んでる人を見かけましたが、悪く評価を書かれてる方は御自身の態度に問題があるのでは? 入管は我々のフラストレーションをぶつける所ではありませんよ。

18 十月 2022 11:41

公共のサービスを提供しているというよりは、“利用者を選別してやっている” というように勘違いをした職員に当たった事が残念。


07 十月 2022 23:30

Some of the staff are not kind and easily get angry if you cannot understand them.l hope somebody would be there always who can understand and speak english since almost who apply there are foreigners.

29 九月 2022 2:49

I had a very nice experience here.
Waited for not more than 15 minutes when applied for visa renewal and when received a new visa.
Staff is polite and professional.

26 五月 2022 3:49


24 五月 2022 13:19

The experience is horrible here. I just simple want to add Chinese name for my residence card, and they keeps me waiting for 4+ hours. They keep telling me they need to confirm something and there is no ETA about when it can be finished. I was among the first batch of applicants in the afternoon to submit the application, and it’s already beyond the office closed time but I’m still waiting here.

21 五月 2022 0:43

Applied for COE for my husband today. 2022.
Still looks old and hopefully it gets renovated. Add more of some modern stuff in it. Like proper disinfecting stuff, social distancing stuff, pens and etc… also provide good ventilation.
Also, the staff are nice and accommodating.

Seeing a lot of comments about staff not speaking in English. How about try to communicate in Japanese as much as possible? Were in Japan anyway.
Also, maybe try to provide social distancing information in english as well as manners such as talking (chatting) on the phone inside the facility and using loud voice as if it is there own house.

15 五月 2022 8:03

Extremely easy! Come with all your documents prepared and you can be in and out in less than 30 minutes. (My time was 11 minutes!) But, still your typical annoying visa renewal office.

***bring a friend or translator to make life easier if you can’t speak Japanese

10 五月 2022 0:24

Much smaller and less busy than the other locations. Also more convenient to get to because it is a short walking distance from the station. No bus ride necessary!

But the other customers at this location are particularly stupid and discourteous. They often bring their badly-raised children with them and line up without even preparing their documents, and then just stand there and expect the staff to help them while others wait. No wonder the staff seems tired and short-tempered. And no, they don't speak English. You shouldn't expect them to.

They have a QR code you can use to view when your turn is on your phone. It's extremely convenient and there are a lot of nice shops to waste time in nearby. Unfortunately, it seems most of the customers aren't smart enough to figure it out and use it, opting to crowd around in the small waiting room and let their kids run around and scream like it's a playground.

14 三月 2022 0:39


21 二月 2022 12:41

Very disappointed with the staff service and facility in the room!

I know it’s for foreigner but it doesnt mean you don’t provide the best facility for foreigner!

1. No queue line or coupon number! I confused how to do first came
2. The information and form different on internet and actual in this room! So you need to fill again and again!
3. No list to help us what necessary to bring! If u dont have 1 you gotta go back and waste your time!
4. The staff even not smiling at all. Just like helping an animal, treat as a human please!

Very bad quality service in this area!
Hope the staff learn english so they know the meaning of this comment!

*But I bet they dont have knowledge in English at all.


10 二月 2022 13:56

Apart for no knowing any English being an immigration office which is ridiculous. I had a bad experience with a woman that had actitud over everyone and get annoyed when people didn't understand her. I'm sorry i only speak 3 languages and sometimes struggle to understand
Maybe if u don't like working there you can find another job.we don't like to be treated like that.

26 十二月 2021 1:10

I have visited immigration bureau in shinyurigaoka today 2021.07.27, it was crowded with a lot of people but managed i set in link and wait for my turn when my turn came i tell about my renewal of my visa and gave documents. He kindly check and gave me unnecessary paper and said wait for your turn with recept number. I sat in waiting seat. I scan recept number and it said youbturm will be in 14. After that i wait till my number. When my turn came after 30 minutes i got my visa, residence card and slips. After that i returned from immigration bureau. That's all. Nice nad simple.

ce sar
29 九月 2021 22:38


07 七月 2021 18:47

A 5 mins walk from the station which is very convenient. It took me about 20mins in total from the moment of queuing up till getting the application receipt for PR. Process is fast and smooth and everyone is very kind.

I really respect how they are so patient and kind treating applicants that do not speak Japanese or English, and also has poor hearing disabilities.

26 六月 2021 17:17


03 六月 2021 15:47

Very few people waiting in line compared with the large immigration offices. I arrived around 10: 30am in March 2021 on a weekday, and I was able to submit my visa renewal application and leave within 30 minutes of arriving.

Free parking, as long as spaces are available.

30 五月 2021 17:30

It’s always not as crowded as other offices I’ve been to. The staffs are hospitable and they always try to helpout (attend to) customers pretty fast.

28 五月 2021 13:53

