Horizon Japan International School

住所 神奈川県横浜市神奈川区大野町1−24
電話 +81 45-624-8717
サイト www.horizon.ac.jp
カテゴリー 学校, 高校, International school, 幼稚園, 中学校
評価 3.1 18 件の口コミ
神奈川県立横浜翠嵐高等学校 — 神奈川県横浜市神奈川区三ツ沢南町1−1
横浜創英中学・高等学校 — 神奈川県横浜市神奈川区西大口28番地
横浜清風高等学校 — 神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区岩井町447
横浜市立桜丘高等学校 — 神奈川県横浜市保土ケ谷区桜ケ丘2丁目15−1

Horizon Japan International School 件の口コミ

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24 六月 2022 14:20


2022/06/09 追記

20 三月 2022 13:55


03 八月 2021 0:03

This school is a small community with great people. The teachers care about students. Bullying is uncommon and rarely a case of issue. Most students care about each other and has an amazing connection with each other. The school is a growing school but still has a huge campus. The campus is about 5-10 minutes away from Yokohama station which makes it very accessible. The surrounding environment is very calm and has a mixture of both nature and city. The curriculum is rigorous but enables students to be comfortable with the amount of workload for university and their future careers.

26 七月 2021 12:22

生徒のみならず外国人教師の通学マナーも悪い。 それを知りながら見て見ぬふりをしている学校側もどうかと思うけど。外国人子女はともかく、周りへの配慮を欠く親や教師に育てられた子供が真の意味で国際人になれるとは思えない。外国人の立居振る舞いを、日本人がカッコいいと思って同じようにやるとマジでみっともないので辞めた方が良いと思う。

03 七月 2021 15:09

Nice staff and students however poor management is an issue. You can blame it on the growing size of Horizon. I hope this issue of poor management and poor staff comunication decreases in the further years.

19 六月 2021 2:27

Brilliant school, my son loves it there.facility is top notch, great location, tuition fees is good compared to other exhorbitant international schools. Teachers friendly are native English speakers.lots of homework! Focused education

05 三月 2021 2:17

Hello, I am the number one Horizon fan in the world. It has been a long debated question in school communities, "what is the best learning environment? " You could say its Harvard, the universally acclaimed Oxford university, or even MIT. However, there is one sacred school that has been severely overlooked, and of course I am talking about. HJIS. People make up a great community that is so important to me that it may begin to sound like I am exaggerating, but believe me, I'm not. To me this school is the inverse of Sacred learning.instead of the old campus of Horizon being better, I think most true fan would agree that the new one is the best one followed closely by the weaker but still awesome original campus. Why would you put that much pressure on yourself when cleaver, underrated gems like this exist? I say explore the bottom of the barrel, never leave your comfort zone, settle for whatever you can get and you might just find that Horizon Japan International School is the greatest and the purest school of all time.

08 二月 2021 9:41

As a student who goes to this school, I can say that I am really appreciative. We have wonderful teachers and faculties that are always there to help out. The school is an IB school which means it is "student centered. " This really gives us students opportunities to be leaders. For example we can run our own after school clubs, awareness campaigns, and so on. The surrounding environment of the school is also really nice. After school, some students go to the park next door and chill. The campus is just a 7 minute walk from Yokohama station which makes it really convenient. I can also say that each school day is a new journey and excitement. Overall, HJIS is a wonderful place for learning and students love going to school here. They really make us students "life long learners. "

10 一月 2021 1:14

Students are not able to use facilities freely. They don't inform about some important issue to the parents. Also students have a problem with wifi twice a week and it's a problem for their class.

25 十二月 2020 1:49

My love and passion for HJIS is unmeasurable. Always a warm atmosphere where people treat each other like a family. It is such a huge opportunity for me to set foot on the amazingly beautiful campus and I will never ever take it for granted. Seriously, what a magical place!

28 十一月 2020 20:44

送り迎えが禁止にも関わらず、常に学校の周りに迎えの車が待機しており、子供が乗車した途端逃げるように荒々しい運転で去っていくのを見ると、近くの住民、特に小さな子供連れやお年寄りには非常に危険で、迷惑である。先日はなんと、絶賛路上駐車中の車の運転席にいる親と、道上に立った親が車が通る道でずっと話婚でいた。 生徒のみならず外国人教師の通学マナーも悪い。 外国人子女はともかく、周りへの配慮を欠く親や教師に育てられた子供が真の意味で国際人になれるとは思えないし。 それを知りながら見て見ぬふりをしている学校側もどうかと思う。

20 十一月 2019 4:45


17 十一月 2019 3:34





26 九月 2019 23:03

This school really does not appreciate feedback from their parents. I had a situation where I was suggesting an activity to improve the students' teamwork ethics, and the teacher shoo away. I really didn't appreciate their attitude.

30 八月 2019 19:02

I am very happy with my child’s education at HJIS. The school is very modern filled with the latest technology, interactive digital whiteboards etc. The IB education style promotes creative thinking and communcation in addition to traditional curriculum.

07 七月 2019 21:59

The best school in Yokohama. Great crew and dedicated admin team with a talented captain! Your child will have an amazing educational journey!

09 六月 2019 20:46

A family-like warm and safe environment for the kids. My daughter loves being there. Almost a dream come true for the parents.

25 五月 2019 5:04

It's such a great chance to have a new campus in the heart of Yokohama. Gymnasium and rooftop are my favorites. Huge library with a warm environment. They look awesome. Japan's FUTURE will grow up there. I wish them the best.
