ペッパーランチ 東新宿店

住所 東京都新宿区大久保1丁目1−49
電話 +81 3-3209-5629
時間 11:00-00:00
サイト pepperlunch.com/restaurant
カテゴリー ステーキハウス, レストラン
評価 4.4 7 件の口コミ
Pepper Lunch
ペッパーランチ 歌舞伎町店 — 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1丁目21−2
ペッパーランチ 新宿小滝橋通り店 — 東京都新宿区西新宿7丁目7−33
ペッパーランチ 南池袋店 — 東京都豊島区南池袋1丁目21−4
ペッパーランチ 水道橋店 — 東京都千代田区神田三崎町2丁目18−6
牛庵(ギュウアン) 銀座店 — 東京都中央区銀座6丁目13−6
東京ステーキ丼ガブス — 東京都文京区本駒込3丁目1−1
スミヴィノ — 東京都渋谷区初台1丁目38−12 三谷ビル 2F
トニーローマ 三番町店 — Ground Floor of La Mar, 6-4 三番町 千代田区 東京都

ペッパーランチ 東新宿店 件の口コミ

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Wa I
26 十一月 2022 14:58


16 十一月 2022 21:58

新規店舗だからか清潔で親切でした。 キオスクも便利。ただし、初めて訪れる人のためにも、直接料理を受け取る際に追加で受け取るソースやその他の調味料についての説明が欲しいです。

05 六月 2019 6:37

Pepper Lunch was alright, they have this serving method where you essentially have to cook your own meat. It comes out sizzling on a metal plate, and you're given tongs to flip the meat and sauce to season it.

It's not bad, just odd because if I'm cooking my meal, what am I paying for? Not to mention, it's easy to undercook the meat because the plate is cooling down (obviously) and if you add sauce it cools down even faster, before the meat has cooked through.

Overall its good, but I'm not sure I would go back because in addition to the above it's small inside and they also have bar style seating, so it's really not conducive to groups.

04 六月 2019 3:17

Great food and the staff were super helpful when it came to english speaking customers. Highly recommend.

14 四月 2019 13:43

Im down with Pepper Lunch, friendly guys that work there helped us order and made sure we didnt duplicate drinks when adding a beer to the packaged meal. If staying over the road in the sunroute hotel its a good quick fix

B. Li
18 二月 2019 10:55

Had to stop by Pepper Lunch to see how it compares to the one in California.

Options-wise, it's incredibly more customizable in Japan. There's variety when it comes to how much rice, how much beef, what quality of beef, etc.

Price-wise, it's anywhere between $3 - $5 less per dish compared to California and the quality of the beef is better (odd, because you can see workers semi-freeze the beef in the back).

One notable improvement is that the plates are set at a higher temperature and cook the meal better. You can expect proper grill marks on your meat and I didn't encounter the issues California has with the plates running cold early, making it hard to properly cook the beef.

Small note: they give coupons with your receipt for soft drinks for the next time you visit.

Overall, I'd say it's a great B-kyu restaurant that offers a solid meal at a reasonable price. Definitely stop by if you're in the area and hungry for a quick meal.

15 一月 2019 23:02

