日本プロ麻雀連盟 本部道場

住所 東京都豊島区28 豊島区巣鴨3丁目28−9 桃花源ビル 7F
電話 +81 3-5980-9116
時間 17:00-23:00
サイト www.ma-jan.or.jp/news_doujou.html
カテゴリー 協会/組織
評価 4 5 件の口コミ
日本国際ボランティアセンター — 東京都台東区上野5丁目22−1 東鈴ビル
㈱ゴーフォーイット・ジョイネットジャパン — 東京都豊島区南池袋2丁目8−1 エバーグリーンハイツ
東京合羽橋商店街振興組合 — 東京都台東区松が谷3丁目18−2
日本美術院 — 東京都台東区谷中4丁目2−8 日本美術院

日本プロ麻雀連盟 本部道場 件の口コミ

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12 五月 2022 23:01


04 二月 2022 14:18


01 二月 2020 19:22

*BEWARE: This is not a typical mahjong parlor that's centered around gambling, or even allows gambling. This is a dojo that offers World Riichi Championship-levels of instruction and "health-centric mahjong, " meaning the people here only play for points. Also, no smoking allowed. *

The Nippon Pro Mahjong Renmei Dojo in Sugamo, Tokyo.also-known-as the kindest-butt-kicking you'll ever experience for just 1,500 yen for the afternoon 1: 00 PM - 5: 00 PM tournaments, and 2,000 yen for the nightly beat-downs from 5: 00 PM - 11: 00 PM, handed to folks on a silver platter by professional Riichi Mahjong players and guest pros.

A word of wisdom: You'll need to be capable of demonstrating the ability to accurately and immediately score your winning hand, while only using your dominant hand to draw tiles throughout the games - lest you be suspected of cheating.

As someone who spoke Japanese the whole time there, I have no idea how lenient they'll be with non-Japanese speakers. Feel free to try though.

Also, if you're the type of player to verbalize what composes your winning hand, then you'll be chastised by the staff for being too slow. It's hard love, but nobody has the time to listen to you count your winning hand on the fancy AMOS tables that shuffle themselves.

It's a good time.

21 一月 2020 2:25


30 十二月 2019 8:35

