三軒茶屋珈琲 red clover

住所 東京都世田谷区太子堂1丁目15−11 いしいビル 1階
電話 +81 3-6362-3986
時間 15:00-21:00
サイト sanchacoffee.com
カテゴリー コーヒー ショップ
評価 4.6 5 件の口コミ
Vida Cafetera|ヴィーダカフェテラ — 東京都目黒区原町1丁目16−17 シャルム原町
カルディコーヒーファーム 武蔵小山店 — 東京都品川区小山3丁目23−4 やまとビル
カルディコーヒーファーム Carrot St. SANCHA店(三軒茶屋) — 東京都世田谷区太子堂4丁目1−1 キャロットタワー 1F「Carrot St SANCHA」
カルディコーヒーファーム 用賀店 — 東京都世田谷区用賀4丁目11−13 近藤ビル

三軒茶屋珈琲 red clover 件の口コミ

並び替え: 日付 最高評価 最低評価 最も参考になった
31 十月 2022 2:57

I noticed the shop for a long time and always wanted to go in, but it was always closed. I thought perhaps it is only opened a few days a week, and only eventually found out that it is opened every day, but from 3pm. I made my first purchase and was pleasantly surprised to find that the taste of the coffee is very good. We are coffee lovers, and like to go around different coffee bean shops to get new beans for the week, so we are picky on the taste and the freshness of the beans. This place ticks both boxes, so we will be back for more.

01 八月 2022 19:43


13 五月 2022 14:52


S Kohei
07 五月 2022 12:30



I visited in March 2022. The store is warm and inviting, as if each jar of beans has been brought to life. The bags of beans I purchase are accompanied by elaborate explanatory notes, which enhance the flavor as you enjoy them.

I am not a person who can talk about coffee, so I won't mention the taste, but I feel that it is really good coffee. I have read some reviews that are very critical of the customer service, but I personally prefer to be treated on an equal footing, with neither the seller nor the buyer being superior to the other, rather than being treated in a manual, mechanized, and unnatural manner. And through this store, I came to like coffee even more and feel like learning more about it. Thank you very much.

30 三月 2021 21:53

