
住所 石川県金沢市子来町57
電話 +81 76-252-3319
サイト gohonmatsu.or.jp
カテゴリー 仏教寺院, 観光名所
評価 4.7 7 件の口コミ
寿経寺 — 石川県金沢市東山1丁目31−5 寿経寺
伏見寺 — 石川県金沢市寺町5丁目5-28
雨宝院 — 石川県金沢市千日町1−3 雨宝院
玄門寺 — 石川県金沢市東山2丁目14−33

宝泉寺 件の口コミ

並び替え: 日付 最高評価 最低評価 最も参考になった
20 十二月 2021 6:07



妙宣山徳大寺(東京都台東区)・建仁寺塔頭 禅居庵(京都市東山)と宝泉寺の摩利支天が、「日本三摩利支天」と言われている。

30 五月 2021 18:28

This is worth the short climb! Great city views and an awesome Buddhist temple! Hidden gem. Must visit if you are in the Higashi Chaya area!

23 二月 2021 22:33

Hōsenji ("Treasure Spring Temple", 寶泉寺) one of the Sandaimarishiten ("Three Great Sanctuaries of Marishiten", 三大摩利支天, Sanskrit.: Mārīcī devī) is a Shingonshū Buddhist temple built by the Maeda clan who honoured Marishiten as their guardian deity. Situated on top of a small mountain overlooking Kanazawa, the beautifully mystical temple resides in a small but ancient forest, strooned with old and unusual Buddhist statues.

The temple is important for me as Marishiten is the guardian deity of our school of traditional Kenjutsu. I started my small pilgrimage to the Three Great Marishiten Sanctuaries here on a cloudy cold day. The temple was being renovated and looked closed, with no one around, but I did not want to give up without obtaining the goshūin (seal) of the temple and I rang on the bell of the monk's house.

Not only did he open, but also dressed in his robes, agreed to write a goshūin for me and even gave me a signed postcard for free, even though I probably insulted him with my ill-mannered requests, besides having already disturbed him in his house. I am very grateful and hope he can forgive me. I hope I can visit again one day under better circumstances.

Hōsenji is a mystical hidden place.
Definitely visit it if you're in Kanazawa.

P. S. The goshūin is really beautiful and the monk's calligraphy is superb!

19 二月 2021 21:43

高野山で生まれ育った住職が毎日、護摩を焚いて平成30年で丸22年。ドナルドキーンさんも訪れ、見晴らしの良さに感嘆したり、泉鏡花が当地の五本松を魔神の棲家と書いたりしてる。この寺の本尊である摩利支天は、前田利家の守り本尊である。境内の樹林は保存樹林に指定されている。9時~17時 拝観無料。

17 十二月 2019 7:39

It takes a bit of climbing to get up here but if you're visiting the Higashi Chaya District and can spare the time it's a worthwhile detour. The temple feels a world away from the crowds down the hill and it has decent views of the nearby area. Stairs leading up to the temple can be found off of the road that is directly north of it.

25 八月 2019 19:50

Great buddhist temple. Do not hesitate to ask for explanations on the symbols to the monk as he spoke perfect english.

07 七月 2018 6:08

 ちる柳あるしも我も鐘をきく 芭蕉
 ひと雫今日の命ぞ菊の露 梅室翁 
日清戦争の戦死者を弔うため 卯辰山に建てられ、後に宝泉寺に移された。
 屋の棟にそうて殖えけり梅柳 梅室
